this is a series i worked on while living in seattle. ink and cheap well paint on watercolor paper. number 7 is a quasi-portrait of my friend ilana. these were very soothing to make. it probably shows in the pastel palette and the gentle postures.
some of these were framed and put on the walls of our capitol hill apartment, and some were sent away to other friends, as gifts. i do not know where they are now. in storage, with most of my art supplies and books and music and important stuff...

is it self-indulgent and unfair to post old work? my next post will be something i drew just the other day.
i'm not really sure where this blog will go, but i want it to feature everything that keep me in thrall: poetry, illustration, music, philosophy, photography, fashion, cinema, and travel, etc. i hope to get some guest bloggers, like my friends kyra, rebecca, ilana, esther, devlin, and hedges. maybe lamon, my mom, and lane.
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